The protagonism of the Uninvested Authority

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

The calls for the Popular Consultation by the Government in Charge have attracted my attention. The way in which they make the calls unfortunately shows a wrong message that says that it is the political sector that is calling for this new call for Popular Sovereignty, when in reality this is not the case. Hence the negative reaction that some have had to the convocation of a new Popular Consultation, this being an absolutely transcendental detail for the success of a massive participation of the Venezuelans. This uneasiness comes from the fact that the MUD put on the garb of Civil Society by putting on another name.

The conveners ARE THE CITIZENS, even if it is the politicians who are calling on the population to participate because they have a bigger voice than ours. I want to say that it is completely the opposite: it is not Juan Guaidó, nor the G4, nor the National Assembly who are calling for this event. It is all Venezuelans, those invested and not invested with authority, as indicated in Article 333 of the Constitution, who are calling them to THEM. This Consultation IS CALLED BY THE VENEZUELAN PEOPLE. This should be clear to the Government in Charge and its communications people in their next convocations.

Venezuelans have historically been the «flock» of political groups. Flock of any party, without critical thinking. The scheme that has been followed up to now is that a «leader» jumps into the limelight and the others follow without thinking. And as long as that party does not have a clear north or its leaders know what direction to take beyond the sympathy they provoke in the population, the followers will be easy prey to what they say or do. That is why we are in the midst of this tragedy. That’s why education of the population is so necessary, especially in such basic aspects as citizen training.

I have modestly invested a lot of «ink» in explaining that we are all Venezuelans and their participation in the matters that concern us, the only key that will get us out of the prison that the Castro-Chavista-Madurist-Socialists fabricated, which has made Venezuela a spoil of what we were. When it is said that only we Venezuelans will be able to change things, it is not just rhetoric. What is the point of having the International Community’s help to displace Maduro and his regime, if what is left here afterwards does not understand, for example, that we cannot return to a scheme of state handouts in order to survive? That we will have to work together -Yes, WORK- to rebuild this house. That this effort is not only to «get Maduro out,» but to get the trash out of people’s heads that was there before it made Chávez and then Maduro possible. The political parties have a lot to do with that. And that is nothing but a way of thinking and doing another Venezuela in terms of politics. The new politicians (who do not yet exist in office) will have to set that pattern for the years to come.

The first thing I wish to establish here is that NEVER the Venezuelan political sector, neither from the regime nor from the opposition, agreed to summon the People of Venezuela for anything beyond taking us to elections, elections and more elections. That «cassette», as it was said before, was reproduced in the mind of the common Venezuelan all the time. That is why political leaders until the day before yesterday always thought that the only way out of these criminals was through elections. And that has not changed, because now they say that the electoral route is no longer an option. Because they are not stupid, they changed the discourse from the mouth to the outside after the population stopped believing in that way when they saw the incontestable evidence showing the permanent fraud of the regime and its way of counting the votes with a CNE arranged as a roulette wheel.

In the same way they NEVER agreed to call a Popular Consultation of the Venezuelan people, neither now nor on July 16, 2017. I am an exceptional witness of this, being present for several years in many meetings with party leaders, large and small, even those who call themselves «radicals», who never believed that calling the owner of the Sovereignty was a solution to get Venezuela out of the hole it is in. And you may ask yourselves, why do you believe it now? The answer is that they do not believe it. And it is for the same reasons outlined above: they want to decide for the «herd». In no way do they want the «herd» to say anything else that might affect them in any way. And the serious thing is that we are at a point where the «herd» if it doesn’t say something DIE.

Since September 7, 2020, when President Juan Guaido announced the new Route for a Unitary Pact for Freedom and Free Elections, the 37 parties that signed that Pact have NEVER instructed their militants to move a single finger in any region of the country in favor of the Popular Consultation. Sabotage? No. It was a silent way of telling Guaidó that they are the ones who decide. That if they didn’t move that Consultation would be a failure. So here we are facing a serious case of inversion of values. That is, the cart before the horse. We are the citizens who make these parties exist with our vote, our support and our actions. But there are characters within these parties who have hijacked the popular will. To get a Popular Consultation seriously considered and even more so, to get the option approved in that jungle, was a feat of many people that I will tell you about one day. The important thing is that it was a very important first step in getting the people to express themselves to twist the misguided course of Venezuelan politics.

But it doesn’t end there. We Venezuelans, invested and not invested with authority, are responsible for reestablishing the validity of the Constitution, as stated in Article 333 of the Magna Carta. In other words, it is not only the deputies of the National Assembly, the public officials, and the military, as invested with authority, the only ones who are watching over this burial that Venezuela has become. NO. The rest of us, the MAJORITY, the ones not invested with authority, also have that responsibility. And it is not Juan Guaido and his parties who call, WE, THE NON-INVESTED IN AUTHORITY WHO CALL to solve Venezuela’s problem. If it were as they say, they could never take a Venezuelan to the streets to vote on the day of the Consultation because THEY DO NOT HAVE THE CREDIBILITY necessary to mobilize the bulk of the population.

We, the People of Venezuela, have the leading role in this democratic call. In order to make this Popular Consultation possible, it will be necessary for millions of Venezuelans committed to move the country forward in spite of the difficulties to participate in pure logistics. And that unfortunately is no longer in the hands of the political parties. Of those 37 who stupidly believe that we Venezuelans will not mobilize if they do not. Paradoxically, that is precisely why we Venezuelans must participate, in order to later mount the battle to rebuild the empty shells that the political parties have become in more than 20 years of shameful leniency, corruption and shameless collaborationism, and above those toxic leaderships within the current political organizations that oppose democratic renewal.

The honorable members of the Organizing Committee of the Popular Consultation have in their hands a serious responsibility towards Venezuela, beyond their own duties to carry out the Popular Consultation, since all of them are respectable figures of the Venezuelan Civil Society: to implacably impose themselves to this lamentable practice of the political parties and to make the Non-Investment Authority play a leading role because we are the majority. If this is what you do, may God and the Nation reward you, if not, may they demand it…

Caracas, October 24, 2020




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