Let everyone go

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

It is incredible how both the regime and the official opposition read the results that come from the popular will. After so many years they do not understand the expression of the people. On December 7, 2015, exactly five years ago today, after the parliamentary elections of that year, I asked myself the same question as today: Did the MUD win or did the government lose? (see the note in https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/2015/12/gano-la-mud-o-perdio-el-gobierno.html).

All the votes that the opposition deputies obtained in 2015 were not due to the discourse of the opposition, nor to the offer that any of them made to the country, but because the Venezuelans rejected the regime as a whole and therefore gave enough votes throughout the country to people completely unknown, as long as they did what they had to do to get out of the regime. And they didn’t comply, Maduro is still there.

Even so, the official opposition parties told everyone that the country had given them its majority support as «opponents» of this or that party, which is why they gave themselves the toupee of dividing those votes that everyone gave them into «fractions», when it was clear from the beginning that the card was unitary, that of the MUD. From the beginning, they kidnapped the representation of Venezuelans in sections and divided the five legislatures, from more to less «votes», according to their interests.

THEY STILL CAN’T UNDERSTAND that the Venezuelans rejected the regime, and gave them the votes for that, and to do what they had to do. They did not give them the votes because they wanted them to, but TO COME OUT OF MATURITY, which is not yet the case under their political leadership.

Yesterday, December 6, 2020, the official opposition made the same mistake again. The Venezuelan people continue to reject the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros and for the same reason they voted for them in 2015, they did not vote for Maduro and his followers in the fraudulent election on December 6, 2020. He did not abstain because the official opposition rejected Maduro, which is why NOBODY can abrogate that historic abstention more than the same Venezuelan people who stopped believing in everyone.

But if there is one thing the Venezuelan people rejected, it was that vile blackmail for food. That «he who does not vote on 6D, does not eat» so inflamed the people that perhaps that pitiful phrase decided the abstention in a decisive way. Anyone who knows us as a people knows that even in the poorest home, any Venezuelan bites in two the only bread he has to share with another in need. That must be known by whoever dared to say such an outrage, coming as he does from a humble village located in an area of the country where that is sacred and indisputable.

But if the regime, through its most important spokespersons, still does not understand this indomitable people, even less do those who seek to replace it understand it. They still insist on saying that this Popular Consultation is GUAIDO’S. Please!

Gentlemen of the official opposition, in spite of having repeated it to the point of exhaustion, still do not understand it. The Popular Consultation IS THE MOST FINISHED EXPRESSION of the last thing we have left as a DIRECT manifestation of the SOVEREIGNTY of the people to reject a regime that has finished with the country, but doing so WITHOUT YOUR INTERVENTION! As you could not in 5 years of OUR mandate, then the Venezuelan people in a direct and constitutional way express themselves to determine in a forceful manner and order the management of the means to end the tyranny. That order is for every Venezuelan invested or not with authority as established in Article 333 of the Constitution. Neither the President in charge nor the parties that support him are the owners of that!

The Popular Consultation will have the success that we expect as Civil Society AS LONG AS YOU UNDERSTAND THAT! It will not be a triumph of Guaidó or anyone in particular, it will be of the Venezuelan people! This is the only way it can be collected at an international level because it would demonstrate the genuine expression of a people who need to vomit out a tyranny, not replace it with a decadent party bureaucracy. Get it straight!

To the extent that some Venezuelans see it as an instrument of the «Gobierno Encargado» or as a strategy of Guaidó to remain in the «Gobierno Encargado» or of the legitimate National Assembly to continue in office after January 4, 2021, we will not take advantage of it to the fullest extent and WE WILL ALL LOSE. This is what those who call themselves «enemies of the Popular Consultation» and who finally, without realizing it, turn their backs on what the majority has decided in a democratic manner, do not understand. Even during today, December 7, when all the electronic media collapsed due to the massive vote of the people, there were still those who pettily took away the protagonism of civil society in order to appear as champions of something that does not belong to them. This pettiness of political leadership is what has kept us screwed for more than 20 years!

The ONLY protagonist of this monumental effort is the Venezuelan people itself, who have organized themselves in Regional Committees throughout the country, without a devalued bolivar in their pockets to carry out that major task of obtaining the votes for that Consultation, and which should have been contributed by those who had the responsibility of setting a budget for the execution of the Popular Consultation and did not do so. The votes that come out of this Consulta Popular will not come out of a single day, December 12th, they will come out of the effort of thousands of volunteers all over the country, who from December 7th to 12th are contributing from their pockets the gasoline, the cell phone cards, the food and their time to make those who cannot vote because of the pandemic, lack of transportation or the lack of knowledge of the technology involved, do so. That is why I am indignant and disgusted that politicians are still trying to appear in pictures to appear as the protagonists of this unique feat in the political history of Venezuela.

If we come out of this tyranny it will not be at the hands of those who want to steal the limelight from the brave people of Venezuela, who will do what they are doing and much more than that to expel them. If the opposition still does not understand this, then it is not only the regime that must leave. Then, let everyone go!

Caracas, December 7, 2020

Blog: http://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


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