ANCO: the Federation’s challenge

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

«Sovereign People, listen to the voice of your leaders, the project of the social contract that they offer you, was suggested only by the desire for your happiness: you alone must sanction it; place yourself first between the past and the future; consult your interest and your glory, and the homeland will be saved.»

Juan Toro, President

Francisco Isnardi, Secretary

Last paragraph of the final speech of the Constituent of 1811

In the year 2017, a few days after the announcements of the illegitimate executive power that dispatches in Miraflores calling for a Constituent Assembly, I went to Barcelona to explain to our followers of the Juntas Activadoras del Poder Constituyente Originario, JAPCOs, of the State of Anzoátegui, on behalf of the Board of ANCO, the constitutional fraud in which Nicolás Maduro Moros was incurring by calling the country to a Constituent Assembly without consulting the Venezuelan people. No one, only the people, have that prerogative (see in Spanish Original Constituent versus constitutional fraud, at

The political events that have taken place in Venezuela since 2017 have not only reaffirmed the need to convene the original power, but have made it an imperative of survival, reaffirming the importance of the population of each State of the country to fully understand the scope of our proposal, which is configured as the only serious alternative to recompose and rescue the country before the electoralist barrage of the regime and its opposition, to extend the suffering of Venezuelans until 2024 and beyond.

The mere fact that it is thought that there will be free, fair and verifiable elections in Venezuela with the regime in power, gives much to say about those who from the opposition still invite the Venezuelan people to continue the endless electoral charade and expect significant changes in the behavior of those who in practice have proven to be criminals. Therefore, it is urgent to explain to the citizens, at all levels, that there is a clear way that can be applied immediately to remedy the serious political imbalance in the country.

But, beyond the obvious potential danger of allowing the tyranny to remain in power for ever, by using again its increasingly refined electoral casino, ANCO’s proposal must be understood as a change, a Great Change that must be operated in the public powers so that the Republic restores the institutional and constitutional course dislocated by the regime.

An election of the Executive Branch is not enough to solve the serious state of the institutions. As of now, we have a Judicial Power with illegitimate Magistrates, who will last 12 years in their functions, who are not only illegitimate for being appointed by a National Assembly without national and international recognition, but also for not complying with the minimum constitutional requirements to be so. The call for the Original Constituent Power would provide an immediate response to this problem, reestablishing the constitutional order.

But the above is only part of the here and now of the Venezuelan political problem, as is the fateful regime that today plagues the country. A constituent process should not only address that matter, but also the global and overall vision of the country that must be re-founded for the next generations. A solution for Venezuela must not only address the immediate crisis, but also the proposals that will prevent the tragedy from happening again.

The fundamental approach of the project that ANCO presents to the Nation is based on the establishment of political, fiscal, administrative, financial, educational and judicial autonomy of each of the federal entities, in order to dismantle a centralized State that has demonstrated its inefficiency in the administration of what belongs to all Venezuelans.

This is the essence of The Great Change, which proposes a new set of attributions and a new distribution of responsibilities to the pyramid of the State at its three classic levels (Municipal, State and Federal), with a substantial reform of the political-territorial distribution of Venezuela, in accordance with the current circumstances and needs of the population. And this cannot be done without a reengineering of the Constitution discussed in a Constituent process (see in Spanish The Great Change, a proposal for the Refoundation of Venezuela, in

The above implies that each federal entity must now take a look inward and examine all its potentialities, presenting to its citizens its own local institutional project, which will inspire them to see who they can become according to what they have and can develop, if a fundamental change in the Constitution, such as the one presented in ANCO’s project, The Great Change, were to be applied to the life of the country. Being autonomous, the States would convene and discuss their own State Constituent to produce a new Constitution for their State, which would provide the framework of action for the Public, State and Municipal Powers (Executive, Legislative and Judicial), establishing their own development model.

And what is the final objective of all this new structuring? To establish the federal and state constitutional mechanism to bring the powers of public power closer to the citizens, inverting the pyramid of power, giving the greatest weight and resources to the municipalities, so that they are the ones who decide with that power to develop the highest quality of life they can for the citizens in each locality of Venezuela.

Once each of the ANCO teams in the States present these state projects to their citizens, the discussion of the Federal Pact among all the States must begin, which will define the guidelines and scope of the attributions of a new Federal State. This is the challenge of the Federation that we assume from ANCO to return the power that was once given to the provinces of Venezuela and that has been and continues to be kidnapped by more than two centuries of suffocating political centralism.

To turn around 180 degrees the way power has been administered in Venezuela for more than 2 centuries, to retake the spirit of the provinces whose representatives met in Caracas to assemble a Constitution, based precisely on a Federation of autonomous provinces, will be a challenge for the Venezuelans of the 21st century. That is the challenge that ANCO assumes in the States to build a new Federation.

The fundamental idea that moves us is to Refound the Republic under these precepts, hoping that the genuine representatives of each State will discuss and sign in a Constituent Assembly that new Federal Pact in favor of all Venezuelans, as once did the representatives of Margarita, Merida, Cumana, Barinas, Barcelona, Trujillo and Caracas, the 7 Provinces that signed the Federal Constitution for the States of Venezuela in 1811. I am sure that the new ones are already among us, Juan Toro, Francisco de Miranda, Juan Germán Roscio, Lino de Clemente, Martín Tovar, Francisco Isnardi, among other constituent signers of 1811, ready to make the Great Change for Venezuela a reality. We have the grave responsibility of summoning all the States to re-found the Nation among all…

Caracas, June 8, 2022




Instagram: @laguana01




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